How to install Google Test on mac

When I doing PMPP project, I need to use google test.

Because google have merge the googletest and googlemock, so the guide on website can be off work.


  • Download gtest on google test github page.

– Build gtest:

cd gtest

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..


– Install gtest library

sudo cp -r ../googletest/include/gtest /usr/local/include/

sudo cp /googlemock/gtest/lib*.a /usr/local/lib

Tips on Time Management

I will spare time to read them later as I am really in a harsh time now.

Fixed-Schedule Productivity: How I Accomplish a Large Amount of Work in a Small Number of Work Hours

[Ray Tracing] 3 A Survey of Ray-Surface Intersection Algorithms

This chapter is really a survey. This just points out some algorithms but don’t explain them in detail.

2.Basic Geometry

  • Types of Geometric Models
  • Generic Operations
  • Points, Planes, Lines and Rays
  • Modeling and Viewing Transformations

3. Ray-Surface Intersections

3.1 Implicit Surfaces

3.2 Explicit Surfaces

3.3 Procedural Surfaces

Constructive Solid Geometry

Hierarchical Bounding Volumes

[RAY TRACING] 5 Stochastic Sampling and Distributed Ray Tracing

Stochastic Sampling and Distributed Ray Tracing

1. Introduction

Rendering algorithms can be classified as analytic and discrete according to how they approach the aliasing problem. Discrete is better than analytic algorithms.

  • super sampling
  • adaptive sampling
  • stochastic sampling (here we introduce)

2. Uniform point sampling

A review to uniform sampling as mentioned in paragraph 1.

3.Poisson disk sampling

Nonuniform distribution sample found in human eye called Poisson disk distribution, which replaces aliasing by noise.

4. Jittering a regular gird

This method produces good results and is well suited to image rendering algorithms, but it can remain small amount of aliasing as it is not as good as Poisson disk sampling.

5.Distributed ray tracing

Definition of distributed (probabilistic) ray tracing

If we regard the variables of the integration as additional dimensions, we can perform a Monte Carlo evaluation of the integrals by stochastically distributing the sample points(rays) in those additional dimensions.

5.1 Shading

How to calculate intensity I of reflected light at a point on the surface.

5.2 Depth of field

I don’t understand the formulas thoroughly.